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Okano Ricca is a ceramic artist based in Japan.
Drawing inspiration from the woodland in the mountainous Karuizawa area, where she lives, Okano explores the interaction between her mind-scape and nature. Her recent works are functional and decorative ceramic objects that feature a striking balance between abstract expression and physical practicality.
Each finished piece is highly original, with both painterly and sculptural quality, and full of sensory energy. The results often evoke viewer's original senses and connect strongly with their feelings, which makes her works much sought after internationally.
The techniques Okano uses vary from throwing and hand-building, to carving and slab-building, and she often mixes them. The surface finish is layered and densely textured with white slip, multiple glazing, brush strokes and sgraffito mark-marking. Some pieces embody reflective imagery of water, while others have matte finishes and a tactile quality. The glazing process often creates drip blobs, pools and unexpected runs, which is a part of her spontaneity.
Okano's works include ceramic and video installations where a dual image of the physical and the spiritual world is visualized.
Having explored abstract painting intermittently, Okano taught herself ceramic art while traveling. Later she finished a ceramic course in Tajimi, one of Japan's historic ceramic bases. Originally from Tokyo, Okano moved to Karuizawa, where she creates her works and curates a gallery space with her partner and fellow artist Nomoto Hiroshi.
Okano has exhibited extensively, including solo exhibitions in Tokyo, Taipei and Sydney; group exhibitions in Madrid, New York, Hong Kong, Bangkok, and Dubai. She took part in Art Karlsruhe (Germany), Shinano Primitive Sense Art Festival and she was an artist in residence at Hakone Sengokuhara (Japan). She was given Taro Award from Okamoto Taro Museum of Art.
Text|Sachiko Smith, Photo|Mina Tabuchi
1965 Born in Tokyo, JAPAN
1985 Graduate from Kyoritsu Women's Junior College
1990 Graduate from Tajimi Technical High School Advanced Ceramics Course
Solo exhibition
1994 Galerie412|Tokyo
1996 Gallery Genkai|Tokyo, Kaneko Art Gallery|Tokyo
1997 Galeria Ceramica|Tokyo
1998 Galerie pousse|Tokyo
1999 Galerie pousse|Tokyo
2000 Kukansha Sirako|Tokyo
2001 Kaneko Art Gallery 2|Tokyo, Gallery Ami|Osaka, Utuwa Studio TRY|Nakai
2002 Galerie pousse|Tokyo
2003 Utuwa Studio TRY|Nakai
2004 Gallery KOU|Tokyo, galerie ou|Osaka, Kaneko Art Gallery2|Tokyo
2005 Youkobo ART SPACE|Tokyo, Utuwa Studio TRY|Nakai
2011 Gallery Daiwa|Gifu
2013 TRI-ANGLE|Karuizawa
2014 KANEKO ART TOKYO|Tokyo, Gallery aTo|Manazuru, Gallery MUSAI|Tokyo
2015 Gallery KOU|Tokyo, BITOHA|Karuizawa
2016 Art Space 563|Taipei, Gallery YORI|Tokyo, art collection museum|Nagano
2017 art collection museum|Nagano, Shigitatuan|Oiso
2018 be here now|Karuizawa
2019 Imagine|Ashikaga
2020 Atelier Kika|Kamakura
2021 Mizusai | Tokyo
IMASORA Coffee|Osaka
2022 Mizusai | Tokyo
Ginza Mitsukoshi|Tokyo
2023 IMASORA Coffee|Osaka
CONTE |Okinawa
CIBONE_Behind the Eyelid|Tokyo
DEA _Sky&Earth|Sydney
2024 [INTUITION]ARVO.|Saitama
[In me, in me, in me..] CIBONE CASE |Ginza
Selected Group Exhibitions
2003 Gallery Bi-dama|Osaka
2005 Gallery Bi-dama|Osaka
2007 Sense&Space exhibition (Chikuma River Highway Museum|Nagano)
2008 TRI-ANGLE|Karuizawa
2009 ESPACIO TAO|Madrid-Spain, Imagine/Ashikaga, Gallery Daiwa|Gifu
2010 TRI-ANGLE|Karuizawa, Galerie Pousse|Ginza
2011 Gallery MIZUNOSORA|Tokyo
2012 KOKORO- Gallery SUDO|Tomizu, 108 Earthly desires- Gallery Bi-dama|Osaka
2013 PAGE- Gallery SUDO|Tomizu, Rolling into the stream- Atelier Kika|Kamakura
Art Contrada di KARUIZAWA
Feeling to go to the growth-Gallery TUYUKI|Odawara
2015 art collection museum|Nagano, Galactic Stream- Wachigai|Nagano
Nusutomori- Shingoster LIVING|Tsukuba
Arlan Huang x Ricca Okano-Flowers of The Moon- Gallery Bi-dama|Osaka
Palm-of-the-Hand Stories- Gallery Bi-dama|Osaka
Feeling to go to the growth- Gallery SUDO|Tomizu
2016 In Tune- BITOHA|Karuizawa, Gallery TUYUKI|Odawara, Palm-of-the-Hand Stories- Gallery Bi-dama |Osaka
Feeling to go to the growth-Gallery TUYUKI|Odawara
2017 [3rd Discover The One Japanese Art] Ashok Jain Gallery|N.Y
2018 [Artistic feeling...Vol.Ⅱ] Imagine|Ashikaga
2019 Noie|Mashiko
Oiso Utsuwa Days|Toson House, A OISO La|Oiso
Gallery Bi-dama|Osaka
[BRIDGE](Cube Gallery_Tokyo, Kinokuniya Siam Paragon, Isetan Bangkok)
2020 [STAY]Kai Sengokuhara|Hakone
[Nocturne]Gallery Bi-dama|Osaka
2021 [Feast Life Aesthetics Exhibition]Touch Ceramic|Hong Kong
2022 Gallery noir/NOKTA |Shizuoka
Tou YOKARIYO|Okinawa
[On Matter and Meaning} comptoir102|Dubai
2023 Eutectic Gallery[U.S.A.] x Tosei Kyoto Gallery[Japan] Online Exhibition
2024 [Aesthetics of Everyday Objects: The Cup] ATLA| Los Angeles
[Spring Sake Cup Exhibition] Matsumori Bijutsu,|Tokyo
[Mythopoeia]Chelsey Pettyjohn & Ricca Okano, ATLA| Los Angeles
{Vases Special Exhibition]ennen.|Shanghai
[Ceramic Salon]Sea View|Los Angeles
Award, Art Fair, etc.
2009 Art Fair "art KARLSRUHE 2009" (Gallery SUDO|Germany)
2015 SHINANO Primitive Sense Art Festival 2015
2017 20thTARO Award Finalists -Taro Okamoto Memorial Museum|Kawasaki
2018 Artist in Residence HAKONE | Sengokuhara
2022 Thirst Exhibition_Contemporary Asian Craftsmanship x Sydney Design Week (overduestudio |Sydney )
岡野 里香
1965 東京に生まれる
1985 共立女子短期大学卒業
1990 岐阜県立多治見工業高等学校窯業専攻科卒業
1994 個展 (Galerie412|表参道)
1996 個展(ギャラリー玄海|新宿)個展(かねこ・あーとギャラリー|京橋)
1997 個展(ガレリアセラミカ|新宿)
1998 個展(ギャルリ・プス|銀座)
1999 個展(ギャルリ・プス|銀座)
2000 個展(空間舎白子|都立大学)
2001 個展(画廊 編|大阪)個展(かねこ・あーとギャラリー2|京橋)個展(器スタジオTRY|中井)
2002 個展(ギャルリ・プス|銀座)
2003 個展(器スタジオTRY|中井)
2004 個展 (Gallery 工|高円寺) 個展(galerie ou|大阪)個展(かねこ・あーとギャラリー2|京橋)
2005 個展(遊工房ART SPACE|西荻窪)個展(器スタジオTRY|中井)
2011 個展(大和画廊|岐阜)
2013 個展(トリ アングル|軽井沢)
2014 個展 [あるいは ここから はじまるのは](KANEKO ART TOKYO|神田)
個展 [Country of The New Moon](ギャラリーaTo|真鶴)
個展 [Voice of The Frost|霜の声](ギャラリィ無有斎|門前仲町)
2015 個展 [Midnight Sun|白夜](GALLERY 工|高円寺)
個展 [流星雨|A Meteor Shower](BITOHA|軽井沢)
2016 個展 [珈琲碗100|掌中小説:川端康成著作](Art Space 563|台北)
個展 [Jelly fish](Gallery YORI|代々木上原)
個展 [Moonlit Night/良夜](心の花美術館|上田)
2017 個展 [みんなのおはか](心の花美術館|上田)
2018 個展(be here now|軽井沢)
2019 個展 [Eden_Genesis 2:8-9](いまあじん|足利)
2020 個展 [Cloud or Mist](Atelier Kika|鎌倉)
2021 個展 [水棲](水犀|東京)
個展 [The sky begins](イマソラ珈琲|大阪)
個展 [タイムリープ](空間舎白子|東京)
2022 個展 [Primitive](水犀|東京)
個展 {Stream}(銀座三越|東京)
2023 個展 [The Little Things ](イマソラ珈琲|大阪)
個展 [Rainy Journey]( CONTE |首里)
個展 [Behind the Eyelid ](CIBONE|東京)
個展 [Sky&Earth](DEA|シドニー)
2024 個展 [INTUITION](ARVO.|埼玉)
個展 [In me, in me, in me..] (CIBONE CASE|東京)
個展 (ennen.|上海)
2003 「うらら展」ナカノユミコ,早草素子 (ギャラリーびー玉|大阪)
2005 「よりそう...48」上山榮子 (ギャラリーびー玉|大阪)
2007 「五感と空間」展(千曲川ハイウェイミュージアム|長野)
2008 グループ展 (TRI-ANGLE|軽井沢)
2009 ESPACIO TAO|岡野里香,ノモトヒロシ展(マドリッド|スペイン)
[12imagination12] 二人展(いまあじん|足利)
[息の痕跡] 岡野里香,ノモトヒロシ展(大和画廊|岐阜)
2010 岡野里香,ノモトヒロシ展(ギャルリ・プス|銀座)
グループ展 (TRI-ANGLE|軽井沢)
2011 二人展(ギャラリーみずのそら|西荻窪)
2012 第4回新春をひらく 心-KOKORO-展 (すどう美術館|富水)
2013 軽井沢アート・コントラーダCRAFT2013 (雨宮邸|軽井沢)
第5回新春をひらく PAGE展 (すどう美術館|富水)
[Rolling into the stream] 二人展 (Atelier Kika|鎌倉)
二人展 [Galactic Stream|銀河の流れ](わちがい|長野)
二人展 [盗森|ぬすともり](Shingoster LIVING|つくば]
Arlan Huang x 岡野里香[月の花|Flowers of The Moon](ギャラリーびー玉|大阪)
2016 掌の小説・掌のアート展(ギャラリーびー玉|大阪)
グループ展[In Tune] (BITOHA軽井沢)
2017「3rd Discover The One Japanese Art」(Ashok Jain Gallery| N.Y)
2018 [アーティスティツクな…Vol.Ⅱ](いまあじん|足利)
2019 [語りかけるもの] (NOIE|益子)
第9回大磯うつわの日(旧島崎藤村邸, a OISO La|大磯)
[BRIDGE](Cube Gallery_東京, 紀伊国屋書店 サイアムパラゴン店, バンコク伊勢丹店)
2020 [STAY](星野リゾート 界 仙石原)
2021 [Feast Life Aesthetics Exhibition](Touch Ceramic|香港)
カネ利陶料展(GALLERY うつわノート|川越)
2022 奏でる カナデルⅡ(ギャラリーnoir/NOKTA |伊豆の国)
周年企画「 ス コ ブ ル 」(陶・よかりよ|沖縄)
[On Matter and Meaning}( comptoir102|ドバイ)
2023 Eutectic Gallery[アメリカ] x Tosei Kyoto Gallery[京都] Online Exhibition
2024 [Aesthetics of Everyday Objects: The Cup] (ATLA| ロサンゼルス)
[玩喝展] (ennen.|上海)
[Mythopoeia]Chelsey Pettyjohn & Ricca Okano(ATLA| ロサンゼルス)
{Vases Special Exhibition](ennen.|上海)
POP UP (SĀR|ワルシャワ)
[Ceramic Salon 陶芸サロン](Sea View|ロサンゼルス)
Award, Art Fair, etc.
2009 art KARLSRUHE 2009 (gallery SUDO|ドイツ)
2015 原始感覚美術祭2015
2017 第20回岡本太郎現代芸術賞展入選 (川崎市岡本太郎美術館)
2018 アーティスト イン レジデンス 箱根仙石原(星野リゾート 界 仙石原)
2022 Thirst Exhibition_Contemporary Asian Craftsmanship x Sydney Design Week (overduestudio |シドニー )